luni, 21 iunie 2010

Healthy Love

Ce frumos poate fi sa iubesti sanatos si nu doar o imagine ideala proiectata asupra unei persoane... Cred ca iubirea benefica si relatia in care merita sa investesti se denota in clipa in care vezi transformari pozitive in viata ta, iubirea adevarata te face sa evoluezi,sa devii constient, sa zambesti mai des...iti aduce dorinta de a ajuta si invata, din pacate cu acest gen de iubire ne intalnim de putine ori, mai ales in societatea in care traim, dar sa o intalnim o data , poate fi suficient pentru intreaga viata :) Asa ca sa ne bucuram fiecare de "iubirile" prezente in existenta noastra, sub orice forma ar fi, simplu, fara complicatii, intrebari inutile si indoieli...iubirea doar e, iar atunci cand e nu te mai poti indeparta de ea!
In continuare o sa va prezint cateva principii in contrast ale iubirii, realizate de un psiholog american:

Healthy Love develops after we feel secure.
Addictive Love tries to create love even though we feel frightened and insecure.
Healthy Love comes from feeling full. We overflow with love.
Addictive Love is always trying to fill an inner void.
Healthy Love begins with self love.
Addictive Love always seeks love “out there” from that “special someone.”
Healthy Love comes to us once we’ve given up the search.
Addictive Love is compulsively sought after.
Healthy Love comes from inside. It wants to give.
Addictive Love comes from outside. It wants to take.
Healthy Love grows slowly, like a tree.
Addictive Love grows fast, as if by magic, like those children’s animals that
expand instantly when we add water.
Healthy Love thrives on time alone as well as time with our partner.
Addictive Love is frightened of being alone and afraid of being close.
Healthy Love is unique. There is no “ideal lover” that we seek.
Addictive Love is stereotyped. There is always a certain type that attracts us.
Healthy Love is gentle and comfortable.
Addictive Love is tense and combative.
Healthy Love is based on a deep knowing of ourselves and our lover.
Addictive Love is based on hiding from ourselves and falling in love with an ideal
“image” not a person.
Healthy Love encourages us to be ourselves, to be honest from the beginning with
who we are, including our faults.
Addictive Love encourages secrets. We want to look good and put on an
attractive mask.
Healthy Love flows out.
Addictive Love caves in.
Healthy Love creates a deeper sense of ourselves the longer we are together. Addictive Love creates a loss of self the longer we are together.

~ 1 septembrie 2010~

2 comentarii:

  1. Hey,iti multumesc din suflet! Si blogul tau e minunat,chiar ma bucur enorm ca am dat peste el! Iti multumesc din nou.Tine-o tot asa!>:D<

  2. extraordinar ce scrii:) bravo. i like it. daca as avea o palarie la mine mi-as scoate-o in fata ta:))
